CS 695 Topics in CS: Metaheuristics
Fall 2007
Wednesday, 4:30-7:10pm, 206 Innovation Hall
Instructor: Kenneth De Jong 993-1530
411 Science & Tech II kdejong@gmu.edu
Prerequisites: CS 580 and CS 583, or permission of the instructor.
Text book: (recommended, but not required)
Modern Heuristic Search Methods, V.J. Rayward-Smith, et al.
This course will serve as an introduction to and a comprehensive survey of the field
of metaheuristics. The course will cover in some detail the main paradigms, including
evolutionary computation, simulated annealing, tabu search, ant colony algorithms and
particle swarm methods. These metaheuristics will be studied both empirically and
theoretically with the goal of understanding their usefulness for a variety of problem
domains including function optimization, combinatorial optimization, and machine learning.
There will be regular homework assignments, primarily computational in nature and will
involve programming. A final term project will be required.